ProFeds Founder and federal retirement expert, Chris Kowalik, was recently featured in the following featured publications.
Authority Magazine
5 Things Retirees Say They Wish They Were Told Before They Began Retirement
January 22, 2020
Be sure to check out this Authority Magazine article featuring ProFeds Founder and federal retirement expert Chris Kowalik on the “5 Things Retirees Say They Wish They Were Told Before They Began Retirement.” Chris also shares the 3 most important financial issues to keep in mind before retiring.
Avoid These Top Retirement Planning Mistakes
November 3, 2016
Do you spend more time planning your family vacation than you do planning your retirement? ProFeds Founder and federal retirement expert Chris Kowalik asks this question and others in this Forbes article.
Fiduciary News
5 Killer Concepts that Confuse Most Retirement Savers
May 3, 2016
While professionals can confidently breeze through the retirement landscape, to the casual retirement saver, these five concepts have led to the greatest confusion. In this article, ProFeds Founder Chris Kowalik weighs in regarding retirement savers.
Retirement Taxes – 5 Ways to Save Money
Updated Apr 21, 2021
ProFeds Founder Chris Kowalik was a contributor to this article on how to pay fewer taxes to the government in retirement and save more money for you and your family.